
6 Tips For Handling All Your Stuff When You Move In Boston

7 Tips For Handling All Your Stuff When You Move In Boston

Have you lived in a house for too long, but you feel stuck because you don’t know what to do with all your stuff when you move? We can offer you solutions to make the process less stressful!

Knowing what to do with all of your stuff is the most difficult part of downsizing your house in Boston. Should you sell your items? Donate them? And how do you decide what you should keep? Saying goodbye to a house you’ve lived in for a long time may be hard. It can be compounded by having to give up a lot of your stuff too. Below, we discuss a few things you can do to take the sting out of downsizing your house in [marlet_city].

Have An Estate Sale

When having an estate sale, you don’t have to move everything to the front lawn that you wish to sell, unless you want to that is. Instead, people will come into your home, making offers on furniture and other items you wish to sell throughout the property. It can be a good idea to strategically place items, almost staging them to be presented in their best light. To get the best prices for your items, you’ll want to make sure everything is dusted and thoroughly cleaned up. Don’t get too emotionally attached to items you are selling, impeding a potential sale.

Donate Your Old Belongings

If you aren’t in a pinch for cash, rather than selling your items, you can donate usable items to someone who could really use them. There are a number of organizations you can reach out to who will help you put your old items to better use. Some of these organizations will even come and pick up your stuff, saving you even more work! Clothing, furniture, and toys can all find great homes elsewhere where they will be highly appreciated. Be sure to keep track of all of the items you donate. Having this number will be a great benefit when it’s time to pay your taxes at the end of the year.

Pass Items Onto Family

Do you have kids or grandkids who may be interested in the items found throughout your home? Something that may seem like an ordinary item such as a throw pillow or old book, may be looked upon as a family heirloom to a member of your family. If you are downsizing your house in Boston, check in with your family first to see which items they may be interested in keeping for themselves. It will make you feel good knowing that your everyday items are now bringing joy to members of your family.

Take Pictures Of Your Sentimental Items

Oftentimes we hang on to so many things out of sentiment that are rarely looked at and instead, just end up taking up space. Old children’s art projects, napkins from a memorable restaurant, and postcard bought while on vacation, can all take up a lot of space. By taking photos and keeping them in a digital format, you can go look through your memories at any time you wish. You can take your treasured photos anywhere and back them up so they aren’t lost. This can be a great alternative to many of the miscellaneous odds and ends found throughout your home, you may be surprised at how much space this stuff is really taking up!

Sell Your House Directly To Fast Home Sales

When you sell your house directly to Fast Home Sales, you won’t have to worry about finding a place for your unwanted items. You will be able to sell your house as-is, including all of the items you don’t wish to keep. We will handle all of the details, finding a place for your belongings so you don’t have to worry about them any longer. A direct sale is the easiest way to handle a house you wish to downsize in Boston.

Hire Someone To Clean-Up

You can always hire someone to professionally clean and someone else to haul away all of your junk. It doesn’t always make sense if you are attempting to save money, so donation, selling directly to Fast Home Sales, or having an estate sale can all make a bit more sense. There are hauling and just companies that will pick up anything left behind for a nominal fee. When all else fails, hiring someone to pick it all up will help you handle all of your old junk fast!

Many homeowners in Boston are living in a house that is simply too big. Maybe the kids moved out or maybe they were overly ambitious with their home purchase. Either way, living in a smaller house in Boston can make your life much more simple and easy.

Learn more about how to handle all of your stuff when you move in Boston! Contact us today for more information! (833) 814-7355

Rob Morris

Real Estate has been a passion of mine since my early 20’s when I looked at buying real estate in my college town rather paying for room and board. It’s enjoyable for me to take something that is broken and fix it! People call me the King of Process as I have a knack for seeing how things are done now and finding simple ways to make the process more efficient and effective. I live by my 3 T’s: Teachable, Tenacious and Team player and try to surround myself with others who do the same. I’m from and currently reside in Boston, MA. I have a loving wife of 3 years named Emily and 2 sweet little girls named Grace and Gianna. Like Dan, I love coffee and ice cream (so much so that I dream to open a coffee/ice cream shop as a hobby one day).

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